Online Poker – How to Get Started

If you’re new to online poker, the best way to start is with low stakes. The game is soft enough to learn the tricks of the trade, but not so low that you can’t win. Plus, you can play for free. Most poker sites have a beginners’ table, open to new customers for up to thirty days after creating an account. That means no one can tell you if you’re cheating or not.

Another great feature of online poker is its ability to multi-table. This is a huge advantage if you’re waiting for a good hand. You can open two tables next to each other, focusing on a decent hand. The emergence of virtual credit cards and prepaid debit cards has made this a popular way to play poker online. There are many ways to use these cards, and they’re easy to use and have great rewards.

When you’re first starting out, you’ll probably want to bet on the “big stack.” While a stacked board might be tempting, it’s a good idea to start small. This way, you can build a bankroll that can last you for years. You’ll also have more cash than you can spend. Having a few dollars to play is a great way to get started. When you’re ready, you can download software that helps you play poker.